Life On The B Side

Taking all that life throws at us one moment at a time

The Hole In My Lid June 28, 2018

Filed under: ADHD,Autism,Family,Life on the Jay train,Marriage,Special Needs Kids — The B Side @ 11:56 am
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Soooo, what’s been up?

It’s been a while since I wrote.

Whatever I’ve missed is going to have to remain missed.  Today, I’m diving into our most recent news.


My boys have been away for just about 2 weeks and I feel empty.  I miss them something awful.  I always miss them when they go to spend extended time with their father but for some reason this trip has been extra hard.  I can’t get my stomach to settle.  It could be because we’ve been hit with a series of bad news over the past few months so I am feeling more emotional than usual (which is saying a lot).  It could also be that time is inexplicably speeding up and they are growing up faster than they used to and it’s making me a bit panicky.

Ace happily and artfully sailed through his entire 6th grade year like a champ and it only took about 2 weeks.  It was just last month, (wasn’t it?), that we were touring the middle school and everything about it seemed so daunting.  I was so worried about how my baby would navigate that new environment.  He amazed me in all the ways.  Socially and academically.  His final report came in and I am blown away.  It’s the best report he’s EVER gotten and my heart could just burst.

I haven’t gotten Jays final report as yet, but I have every reason to believe he did a great job as well.  He’s going to enter his final year of elementary school in September and then he too will be off to middle school.  I’m really struggling with that.  Let’s not talk about it.  Thanks.


In other news

Shaunie and I went to Jamaica to:

  1. Attend her Grandfathers funeral. It was really great and sad, but wonderful.
  2. See my Aunty. It was awesome and heavyhearted.  I was happy there but leaving was hard.  Really hard.
  3. Attend my uncle’s high school graduation. (My Grandad had a son when he was 72).  It was good but weird.


I’ll write a post about the trip later.

In the meantime, while we were gone, Grandma in New Jersey underwent surgery.  Some sad medical news hit my family.  Also, there were big shake-ups at work.  How the work shake-ups may or may not affect me is still to be determined.


I know this post wasn’t that interesting but I needed to “stick a hole in my lid”.  You get that reference right?  In a coffee cup lid, there’s the one hole that we drink out of and then there’s the (very important but easily dismissed) hole on the other end that lets the steam out.  My internal steam was building and this blog is my tiny hole.


If you are the praying type, please keep our family in your prayers.  It can’t hurt.


My boys come back this weekend.  I am ready to see them and hug them.  That’s the good news, so I’ll end there.




3 Responses to “The Hole In My Lid”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Prayers and hugs coming your way. So glad you will get to hug your boys this weekend. 🙂

  2. Prayers delivered! So sorry for the sad news, and thrilled for your boys. We’re going through a medication trial with my son, to help alleviate his anxiety. It’s gotten bad enough that it’s dramatically affecting his quality of life, and so far, the trial isn’t going well. I can’t even stomach the thought of his having to go through life as he currently is. I know I’ll handle whatever comes up, this limbo is hard.

    • The B Side Says:

      I am so sorry things are not going well. It’s the worst seeing our kids struggle and not being able to help. I do hope something helps him soon. Idk if it’s the same for you but summers are easier for us. Less expectations, obligations and deadlines etc. Hopefully you use this time to relax a little and figure some things out before school (and the stress that it brings) starts again. I’ll be thinking of you and praying for you.

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